Anybody can criticize anything as long as it’s not offensive. (A Comment by Frank Furter / Translation: Anders Denken)
I am not sure I agree with that. The problem is that "offensive" is generally taken to be a subjective response. A reasoned argument should not be rejected because of feelings. That leads to a systematic denial. This we see in our own western societies where the prevailing left-wing dogma cultivates and fosters this denial in its "subjects" using all instruments of this society.
We also see this dogma not afford equal right to be offended to each section of the society. Christians, for example, does not have the right to be offended.
In other words, the "right to not be offended" is not about fundamental human rights but it is really a political tool along with a racist notion of guilt. Our right to reject an ideology has been taken away by labelling all such rejection has "hate".
The dogma we have spewing out of left-wing commentators every day and increasingly shrill is: when right-wing though rejects it hate when left-wing though rejects it is saving us - saving us from ourselves.