Saturday, October 16, 2010

Merkel erklärt „Multikulti“ für gescheitert

at DLT|10:
The social policies of multiculturalism have absolutely failed
Horst Seehofer, Minister-President of Bavaria:
We from the CSU stand for the German Leitkultur for Germany and we reject multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is dead.

This is a continuation of the debate started by the Sarrazin book:"Deutschland schafft sich ab" ("Germany is eliminating itself"), as well as the fact that in many schools children of German heritage are in a minority with many suffering racist bullying and attacks against them by children of Turkish background.

As a result of multiculturalism (Cultural Marxism) what we are seeing is genocide by multiculturalism, a genocide in slow motion - that is what was meant by "Deutschland schafft sich ab".

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